Implementing a general framework for assessing interrater agreement in Stata
Daniel Klein
International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel
Kassel, Germany
[email protected]
Abstract. Despite its well-known weaknesses, researchers continuously choose the kappa
coefficient (Cohen, 1960, Educational and Psychological Measurement 20:
37–46; Fleiss, 1971, Psychological Bulletin 76: 378–382) to
quantify agreement among raters. Part of kappa's persistent popularity seems to
arise from a lack of available alternative agreement coefficients in
statistical software packages such as Stata. In this article, I review Gwet's
(2014, Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability) recently developed framework
of interrater agreement coefficients. This framework extends several agreement
coefficients to handle any number of raters, any number of rating categories,
any level of measurement, and missing values. I introduce the kappaetc
command, which implements this framework in Stata.
View all articles by this author:
Daniel Klein
View all articles with these keywords:
kappaetc, kappaetci, Cohen, Fleiss, Gwet, interrater agreement, kappa, Krippendorff, reliability
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