{smcl} {* 19aug2004}{...} {hline} help for {hi:dtobit}{right:(STB-56: sg144; SJ4-3: sg144_1)} {hline} {title:Marginal effects of the tobit model} {p 8 16 2} {cmd:dtobit} [{cmd:,} {opt at(matname)} {opt c:ensor} {opt b:rief} {opt nod:iscrete} {opt lev:el(#)} ] {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:dtobit} provides a table of marginal effects evaluated at the means of the independent variables by default, or at the observed censoring rate of the dependent variable if ^censor^ is specified, or at user specified points if {opt at(matname)} is specified. The marginal effects are computed for the latent dependent variable, the expected value of the dependent variable conditional on being uncensored, the unconditional expected value of the dependent variable, and the probability of being uncensored. For dummy variables, by default, {cmd:dtobit} will report the discrete changes unless the {opt nodiscrete} option is specified. {title:Options} {phang} {opt at(matname)} specifies the points around which the marginal effects are to be estimated. The default is to estimate the effects around the means of the independent variables. {phang} {opt censor} specifies that the marginal effects should be evaluated at the observed censoring rate of the dependent variable. This option is not allowed with two-tailed censoring case. {opt at(matname)} and {opt censor} cannot be specified at the same time. {phang} {opt brief} will simplify the output. Standard deviations of the estimates and the confidence intervals will be excluded from the table. {phang} {opt nodiscrete} treats dummy variables as continuous ones. If nodiscrete is not specified, the marginal effect of a dummy variable is calculated as the discrete change in the expected value of the dependent variable as the dummy variable changes from 0 to 1. {title:Example} {cmd:. tobit mpg trunk weight, ll(17)} {cmd:. dtobit} {cmd:. dtobit, brief} {cmd:. dtobit, brief censor} {cmd:. mat M=(12, 2500, 1)} {cmd:. dtobit, at(M)} {title:Author} Ronna Cong StataCorp rcong@stata.com {title:Also see} {psee} Manual: {hi:[U] 26 Estimation and post-estimation commands}{break} {hi:[U] 35 Overview of model estimation} {psee} Online: help for {help est}; {help cnreg}, {help intreg}, {help test}, {help testnl}, {help tobit}, {help vce} {p_end}